Making Working Capital Work for Your Business

Simply put, when you take the current value of your company’s assets minus its liabilities, you’ll find your working capital. These are the funds used in day-to-day operations including paying employee wages, purchasing raw material, paying operating expenses, making...

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Work Life Balance: Evening the Scales

No matter what phase of home or work life you’re in, finding a balance between the two can be difficult. Continually favoring one over the other can result in failure in both aspects. Finding a solid work life balance...

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What Does Your Office Environment Say About Your Business?

What kind of work environment would you like to work in? Chances are you aren't going to say one that is dim, colorless and full of nervous employees. Lighting, decor and even paint colors come into play when creating...

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Essential Information About International Trading

Are you researching international trading? If you are hoping to invest in international markets or are simply wondering how the process works, there are a few foundational facts you should probably understand. In general, trading among nations allows for...

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Improving Human Resources Efforts for Small Businesses

Human Resources is a difficult field to navigate if you have never worked in it before. It’s all about hiring and communicating with employees, enforcing company policy, managing benefits, and resolving conflict. In a small business, these responsibilities usually...

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Keep Your Employees Happy With These Employee Retention Techniques

No business owner wants his or her company to have a high employee turnover rate. When a revolving door of new faces come and go from a company, employees exhibit decreased performance and low morale, they aren't as knowledgeable...

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Is Your Small Business Handling Customer Service the Right Way?

People tend to think that customer service is a cut-and-dry operation. You be polite, answer a few questions, sell the product or service, thank the customer and move on. In reality, there is much more to providing an excellent...

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Quick and Useful Facts About Commercial Real Estate

Are you planning to invest in commercial real estate? If you are just getting started in the real estate investment world, you might be seeking simple, useful facts to help you get started. The following details should help you...

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Cash Flow: Everything It Means for Your Business

Managing your finances is the most important part of starting your business. Many new business owners tend to think in terms of profits and forget about the gap that can occur between needing to pay suppliers and employees and...

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Small Business Lending: 3 Common Misconceptions

If you are seeking financing for your small company, you might have some preconceptions based on ideas you have heard from other business owners and entrepreneurs. While it is true that finding the right loan for your small business...

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