Keep Your Practice Up and Running

Veterinarians, chiropractors, physical therapists and other healthcare professionals sometimes need a bit of a financial booster shot to keep their practice operating smoothly so they can keep treating their patients. American Commercial Financing, LLC, specializes in healthcare financing designed with you and your practice in mind.

A Variety of Programs to Meet a Variety of Needs

Because your practice has a variety of different needs, we offer a variety of different programs, including:

  • Working capital
  • Improvement loans
  • Equipment financing
  • Expansion loans
  • Acquisition loans

If you aren’t sure of which program you might need, simply let us know how to seek to improve your practice and we’ll do our best to steer you in the right direction. Our commercial financing experts are here to take excellent care of you however they can.

You Can’t Go Wrong With Working Capital

For general practice improvement needs, your best bet is to opt for our liquid capital program. What’s so great about this specific option is you can use it however you wish.

If you’re embroiled in debt, consider looking into our debt consolidation program. What’s so great about gathering your debts into a single lump sum is you don’t have to worry about meeting a number of payments each month, nor do you have to waste money on interest payments.

Contact Us Today

To find out more about your financing choices, be sure to contact an American Commercial Financing, LLC, representative. We look forward to taking your practice to the next level.