Help Your Small Business Rise to the Top

If you’ve been having trouble funding your small business through traditional channels like banks and credit unions, you’ll likely be better off with merchant cash advances. What’s so great about a merchant cash advance is it’s not so much of a loan as it is an advance on your future credit card sales. Even better is the fact that this program is great for each of your business locations.

A Better Alternative to Standard Business Loans

Here at American Commercial Financing, LLC, we understand that not everyone is comfortable with standard business loans. Thankfully, there are alternatives such as cash advances. One of the absolute best things about merchant cash advances is you don’t have to have the best of credit to qualify. Additional benefits include:

  • You don’t have to put up collateral.
  • Your money can be used on advertising, inventory, expansion and however else you choose.
  • You’ll have quick access to your funds.
  • There’s a minimum of paperwork to complete.
  • Advances don’t come with closing costs, fixed payments or fees to worry about.

Learn More Today

See what more you have to gain with a merchant cash advance by reaching out to us today. Let us show you how to put your small business on the track to big success.